Cesium And Barium Ionic Compound

Embark on a journey into the fascinating world of cesium and barium ionic compounds, where unique properties and captivating applications converge. These remarkable substances, characterized by their low ionization energy and high chemical reactivity, offer a treasure trove of scientific wonders.

Cesium, with its exceptional lightness, and barium, renowned for its high density, combine to form an ionic compound that exhibits a captivating array of physical and chemical characteristics. Delve into the intricate details of their electron transfer and ionic bond formation, unraveling the secrets behind their intriguing properties.

Properties of Cesium and Barium: Cesium And Barium Ionic Compound

Cesium and barium, both belonging to Group 1 of the periodic table, exhibit unique properties that set them apart from other elements. Cesium, the heaviest alkali metal, possesses an exceptionally low ionization energy, making it highly reactive, while barium, an alkaline earth metal, stands out with its high density and relatively low melting point.

Properties of Cesium

Cesium’s low ionization energy, a mere 3.89 electron volts (eV), enables its outermost electron to be easily removed. This attribute contributes to cesium’s extreme chemical reactivity. It reacts vigorously with water, oxygen, and halogens, forming compounds such as cesium hydroxide (CsOH), cesium oxide (Cs 2O), and cesium chloride (CsCl), respectively.

In addition to its chemical reactivity, cesium exhibits a silvery-gold appearance and is the softest of all metals, with a Mohs hardness of only 0.2. Its low melting point (28.5 °C) and boiling point (678 °C) indicate its volatile nature.

Properties of Barium

Barium, on the other hand, is a relatively dense metal with a silvery-white color. Its high density of 3.51 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm 3) is attributed to its atomic weight and close-packed crystal structure. Barium’s low melting point of 727 °C and boiling point of 1640 °C reflect its relatively weak interatomic bonds.

Chemically, barium is less reactive than cesium due to its higher ionization energy (5.21 eV). However, it still reacts with water, oxygen, and halogens, forming compounds like barium hydroxide [Ba(OH) 2], barium oxide (BaO), and barium chloride (BaCl 2).

Formation of Cesium and Barium Ionic Compound

Cesium (Cs) and barium (Ba) react to form an ionic compound through a chemical reaction involving electron transfer. This process results in the formation of positively charged cesium ions (Cs+) and negatively charged barium ions (Ba2+).

Electron Transfer, Cesium and barium ionic compound

Cesium, with its large atomic radius and low ionization energy, readily loses an electron to achieve a stable electron configuration. This electron is transferred to barium, which has a smaller atomic radius and higher electronegativity, allowing it to accept the electron.

Ionic Bond Formation

The transfer of an electron from cesium to barium creates an electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged ions. This attraction holds the ions together, forming an ionic bond and resulting in the formation of the ionic compound cesium barium (CsBa).

Crystal Structure and Properties of the Ionic Compound

The crystal structure of cesium and barium ionic compound, CsBa, is cubic perovskite, with lattice parameters a = b = c = 4.56 Å and α = β = γ = 90°. In this structure, the Cs+ ions are located at the corners of the unit cell, the Ba2+ ions are located at the body center, and the I- ions are located at the face centers.

This arrangement results in a coordination geometry in which each Cs+ ion is surrounded by 12 I- ions, each Ba2+ ion is surrounded by 8 I- ions, and each I- ion is surrounded by 6 Cs+ ions and 2 Ba2+ ions.

The crystal structure of CsBa influences its physical and chemical properties. The cubic perovskite structure is a highly symmetric and stable structure, which contributes to the compound’s high melting point (1050 °C) and low thermal conductivity (0.04 W/m·K). The large size of the Cs+ and Ba2+ ions results in a relatively large lattice parameter, which contributes to the compound’s low density (4.8 g/cm³).

The high coordination number of the I- ions results in a strong electrostatic interaction between the ions, which contributes to the compound’s high chemical stability.

Lattice Parameters

  • a = b = c = 4.56 Å
  • α = β = γ = 90°

Coordination Geometry

  • Cs+ ions: 12-coordinate
  • Ba2+ ions: 8-coordinate
  • I- ions: 6-coordinate

Applications of Cesium and Barium Ionic Compound

Cesium and barium ionic compounds find diverse applications in various fields due to their unique properties, such as high conductivity, low work function, and catalytic activity.


  • Vacuum tubes:Cesium and barium oxides are used as coatings on the cathodes of vacuum tubes to reduce the work function and enhance electron emission.
  • Photomultipliers:Cesium and barium compounds are used as photocathodes in photomultipliers, converting light into electrons with high efficiency.


  • Heterogeneous catalysts:Cesium and barium oxides are used as catalysts in various chemical reactions, such as the production of ammonia, hydrogen, and methanol.
  • Homogeneous catalysts:Cesium and barium salts are used as homogeneous catalysts in organic synthesis, promoting reactions such as cycloadditions and cross-coupling reactions.


  • Medical imaging:Cesium-137 is used as a radioactive tracer in medical imaging techniques, such as nuclear medicine and radiotherapy.
  • Pharmaceuticals:Barium sulfate is used as a contrast agent in X-ray imaging of the gastrointestinal tract.

FAQ Resource

What is the significance of the low ionization energy in cesium?

Cesium’s low ionization energy makes it highly reactive, readily forming ionic bonds with other elements.

How does the high density of barium contribute to its properties?

Barium’s high density imparts unique physical properties, such as a low melting point and high malleability.